Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences
Articles of Association of the Behavioral Disease Research Science
Article 1. In order to expand research and provide solutions in health care, a substantive agreement is reached for the behavioral disease research center (known as the research center in the articles of association) to meet the following goals.
Article 2. Goals
1. Developing and using new research methods in the field of behavioral diseases and HIV/AIDS
2. Providing suitable context for planning, capacity building and developing strategic information on HIV and AIDS
3. Providing suitable information and up-to-date knowledge for officials and experts to properly meet the needs in the areas of HIV/AIDS surveillance, monitoring, and evaluation
4. Having access to information resources to improve the services provided to covered patients
5. Conducting epidemiological fundamental research in hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations
6. Collecting, arranging and classifying relevant documents and articles for optimal use in service methods
7. Training a skilled and efficient workforce with sufficient scientific ability to use various software in the field of behavioral diseases and HIV/AIDS
8. Scientifically cooperating with the research and educational centers of other countries and international organizations while adhering to the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran
9. Preparing a report on the conducted research for other organizations and attempting to attract their cooperation
10. Encouraging and employing enthusiastic researchers
Article 3. Pillars of the Center
A) Supreme council
B) Head of the center
C) Research council
Article 4. Supreme Council Members
1. Head of the University of Medical Sciences
2. Vice-chancellor for research of the University of Medical Sciences
3. Deputy of health affairs of the University of Medical Sciences
4. Head of the center
5. Three faculty members with the proposal of the head of the center and the approval of the head of the university
Article 5. Responsibilities of Supreme Council
1. Approval of the center's research policy
2. Approval of cooperation projects with other domestic and international universities and research institutes and international organizations based on related laws and regulations
3. Review and approval of the annual report of activities of the center, congresses, seminars, and conferences
4. Evaluation and approval of the annual budget of the center within the limits of credits allocated and in accordance with legal requirements
5. Approval of guidelines related to the internal affairs of the supreme council and implementation guidelines of the research center
6. Offering center organization
7. Deciding on choosing the head of the center
1. The high council approvals will be based on policies and in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
Article 6. Center Members and Their Responsibilities
1. Head of the center: is selected every four years and his/her re-election is allowed with the proposal of the supreme council of the center and with the approval of the vice-chancellor for research and technology of the university and by the decree of the head of the university. He is the chairman of the research council and is responsible for overseeing all the center's scientific and research activities.
2. Research deputy of the center: is selected with the recommendation and approval of the head of the center and is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the research affairs of the research groups.
3. The head of the research groups: is selected with the recommendation of the deputy of research and the approval and notification of the head of the center.
Article 7. Research Council Members of the Center
A) Continuous members: who are the scientific faculty members and full-time experts of the center with an MSc, PhD or a higher degree.
B) Associate members: who are faculty members of other groups of the university of medical sciences or other universities and higher education institutions.
Article 8. Research Council Responsibilities
1. Assessing and approving proposed projects and their final report
2. Supervising the implementation of research projects
3. Offering and running congresses and seminars related to the center's activities
4. Preparing and publishing scientific-research journals related to the center’s goals
5. Determining and proposing research priorities
6. Assessing and proposing appreciation of research and exemplary researchers
Article 9. Financial Sources of the Center
A) Revenue from the services of the center in accordance with legal requirements
B) Assistance and gifts to legal entities and other organizations
C) Government credits
D) Attracting budget from international organizations

The articles of associated were approved with nine Articles and one Note.

The establishment and activation of the behavioral disease research center were approved by the deputy of the health of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences based on Paragraph 1 of approval of the board meeting.